Regular Expression Patterns ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ a Any ordinary character (not mentioned below) matches that character. \ The backslash quotes any character. "\$" matches a dollar-sign. n, t, r, f mean newline, tab, return, and form_feed respectively. ^ A circumflex at the beginning of an expression matches the beginning of a line. $ A dollar-sign at the end of an expression matches the end of a line including newline. * An asterisk matches zero or more of any character. ? A question mark matches any single character except a new_line. :a A colon matches a class of characters described by the following :d character. 'a' - alpha, 'd' - decimal (0-9), 'n' - alphanumeric :n 'w' - white space (matches spaces, tabs, and control chars. :w @ An expression followed by an at sign matches zero or more occurrances of that expression: "fo@" matches "f", "fo", "foo", etc. + An expression followed by a plus sign matches one or more occurrances of that expression: "fo+" matches "fo", etc. - An expression followed by a minus sign optionally matches the expression (expression can be there or not). [] A string enclosed in square brackets matches ANY character in [~] that string, but no others. If the first character in the string is a ~, the expression matches any character NOT in the string. For example, "[xyz]" matches "xx" and "zyx", while "[~xyz]" matches "abc" but not "axb". A range of characters may be specified by two characters separated by "-". Note that [a-z] matches alphabetics, while [z-a] never matches. .ñd A dot (.) followed by a + or - 1 to 9 causes the cursor to position to that offset from the start of pattern. .c A dot (.) followed by other than a + or - causes the cursor to position to that character after the start of pattern. If the character is not found subsequent to the start of the pattern, the cursor is placed on the first character of the pattern. The dot operator may appear anywhere in the search pattern except in [] where it would be taken literally. A dot by itself means position cursor to end of pattern.